Membership Categories
Membership at Medinah Country Club is by invitation only.

Regular Membership
Regular Membership category provides full access to the Clubhouse (Dining, Pool, Lodge, Golf Learning Center and Racquet Center) and unlimited access to all three golf courses.
Associate Legacy Membership
Associate Legacy Membership category is offered in four specific age groups - Ages 21-25, Ages 26-29, Ages 30-34 and Ages 35-39. This membership category is only available to children or grandchildren of a Regular, Perpetual, or Regular Surviving Spouse member, or a current member who formerly was a Regular, Perpetual or Regular Surviving Spouse member. This category of membership provides full access to the Clubhouse (Dining, Pool, Lodge, Golf Learning Center and Racquet Center). Golf course access is subject to the current Course Access Chart and Rules of Play.
Social Membership
Social Membership category is offered in three specific age groups - Ages 40 and Over, Ages 30-39 and Ages Under 30. This category of membership affords a Social member full access to the Clubhouse (Dining, Pool, Lodge and Racquet Center). A Social member is welcomed to golf on our golf courses four (4) times per calendar year as a guest of a golf member. Green fees are applicable to Social members.
National Membership
National Membership category is offered to those that have their principal place of residence one hundred twenty-five (125) miles or more from the Club. The National category of membership provides full access to the Clubhouse (Dining, Pool, Lodge, Golf Learning Center and Racquet Center) and has access to golf twelve (12) times per year.
International Membership
International Membership category is offered to those that have their principal place of residence outside the United States of America. The International category of membership provides full access to the Clubhouse (Dining, Pool, Lodge, Golf Learning Center and Racquet Center) and has access to golf twelve (12) times per year.
Membership Fee, Food & Beverage Minimum and Privileges per membership category are subject to change by action of the Board of Directors. Privileges are determined by the Board, and can be restricted at any time, without advance notification. Membership is non-equity and Membership Fees are non-refundable.